Re: [Ekiga-list] confused on adding an account

On 5/30/07, Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com> wrote:

> arnuld wrote:
> i have an account at with username "arnuld", but i
> always get "Registration failed" :-( this is what i use:
> Account Name:
> Protocal:               SIP
> Registrar:    
> User:                    arnuld
> Password:             ---------
> then i just check the box and it says "registering" and after 5-7
> seconds i get "Registration Failed"  i can use the same username and
> password to login at without any trouble.
> what is happening and why ?

What is the error message in the general history ?

don't know but i entered same "information" this morning and it says
"registered". i also checked 500 ekiga net and have some problem
regarding sound but that is the point of another email, not here

thanks anyway


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