Re: [Ekiga-list] can't login


Made a little test: connect my workstation to the modem that gives the
internet connection and test if ekiga works.
Result: Symmetric firewall.

My ISP has a software that does VoIP, IM, etc (it even do eggs for
breakfast! or not) and probably blocked the VoIP traffic for other
applications. Great isn't it?

I hereby close this thread. The Portuguese SAPO ISP doesn't allow VoIP

Thanks everyone for the help! Keep up the good work!

2007/5/4, Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com>:
Le jeudi 03 mai 2007 à 22:33 +0100, Marcelo Coelho a écrit :
> Debug from stderr
> ekiga Ekiga version 2.0.9
> ekiga OPAL version 2.2.8
> ekiga PWLIB version 1.10.7
> ekiga GNOME support disabled
> ekiga Fullscreen support enabled
> ekiga DBUS support disabled
> ekiga Set TCP port range to 30000:30010
> ekiga Set RTP port range to 5000:5059
> ekiga Set UDP port range to 5060:5100
> ekiga OpalEP  Created endpoint: h323
> ekiga H323    Created endpoint.
> ekiga OpalMan Added route "pc:.*=h323:<da>"
> ekiga OpalEP  Created endpoint: sip
> ekiga SIP     Created endpoint.
> ekiga OpalMan Added route "pc:.*=sip:<da>"
> ekiga OpalEP  Created endpoint: pc
> ekiga PCSS    Created PC sound system endpoint.
> ekiga OpalMan Added route "h323:.*=pc:<da>"
> ekiga OpalMan Added route "sip:.*=pc:<da>"
> Opal Listener:36d94c0 Listen  Started listening thread on tcp$
> Opal Listener:36d94c0 Listen  Waiting on socket accept on tcp$
> Opal Listener:36aa130 Listen  Started listening thread on udp$
> Opal Listener:36aa130 Listen  Waiting on UDP packet on udp$
> GMStunClient:036dec90 STUN    No response to server -
> Resource temporarily unavailable
> GMStunClient:036dec90 OPAL    STUN server "" replies
> Blocked, external IP
> GMStunClient:02b142f8 STUN    No response to server -
> Resource temporarily unavailable
> GMStunClient:02b142f8 OPAL    STUN server "" replies
> Blocked, external IP
> ekiga Listen  Stopping listening thread on tcp$
> Opal Listener:36d94c0 Listen  Waiting on socket accept on tcp$
> Opal Listener:36d94c0 Listen  Accept error:Socket closed or invalid
> ekiga H323    Deleted endpoint.
> ekiga OpalEP  h323 endpoint destroyed.
> ekiga Listen  Stopping listening thread on udp$
> Opal Listener:36aa130 OpalUDP Pre-bound to interface:
> Opal Listener:36aa130 SIP     Waiting for PDU on udp$<if=udp$>
> Opal Listener:36aa130 Opal    Transport clean up on termination
> Opal Listener:36aa130 OpalUDP Close
> ekiga SIP     Deleted endpoint.
> ekiga OpalEP  sip endpoint destroyed.
> ekiga PCSS    Deleted PC sound system endpoint.
> ekiga OpalEP  pc endpoint destroyed.
> ekiga OpalMan Deleted manager.
> STUN server says it's blocked, so I presume it's a problem in my
> router's firewall. Maybe I'll even setup a SIP (or other) proxy in
> order to have connections inside my home lan.

Indeed, STUN is unusable in such a configuration...
 _     Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone :
v_/_   NOVACOM         :
       FOSDEM          :
       SIP Phone       : sip:dsandras ekiga net

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