Re: [Ekiga-list] help about : délai dépassé

Damien Sandras a �it :
Le jeudi 03 mai 2007 �0:02 +0200, jean-luc damnet a �it :
Damien Sandras a �it :
Le mercredi 02 mai 2007 �2:27 +0200, jean-luc damnet a �it :
I have the same problem here, however since it's a fresh install done on May 1st I can't tell it worked "before"

When starting Ekiga, after 9 seconds it displays its window and 16 seconds later (i.e. 25 after launch) the status line displays "L'inscription a �ou� d�i d�ss� that would be in english something like "can't register to the server, timeout"

Ekiga version 2.0.9, on Kubuntu Feisty, KDE 3.5.6

-d 4 ?
jldamnet garage:~$ ekiga -d 4
2007/05/02 23:57:03.130 0:03.174 ekiga Detected

Your router drops the answers from

Try with and without STUN in ekiga.
Try to see if the router doesn't embed broken SIP support.

I tried with and without STUN (using voxgratia), same result in both cases
as for broken SIP support, I have no idea (Olitec modem/router SX500)
since this one is now some 5 years old, I'll probably end up buying a new DSL Modem-Router... any brand/model known to work ? As it's for a small 3 systems home connection I'm looking at things like Netgear DG834, Bewan BWA800, DLink DSL524T, etc

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