Re: [Ekiga-list] feature wish: recording the conversation

Nice idea.

It might be possible to make a small shell script which could even be
started during the conversation. I will check this out.


2007/4/30, Bent Bagger <bbagger gmail com>:

2007/4/30, Craig Southeren <craigs postincrement com>:
> I'm working on this function in OPAL. I'm sure Damien will make it
> available in Ekiga when I am done.
Until such a time, if you absolute must record a conversation, you can
use Wireshark (formerly Ethereal) for this purpose. Start a Wireshark
trace just before you make the call you want to record. After having
completed the call you use the 'Analyze' function in Wireshark to look
at the RTP traffic. Wireshark is able to save the payload. Use the the
.au format when saving. Later on you can use e.g. Audacity to play the
recorded conversation.

Have fun

Best regards,

ekiga-list mailing list
ekiga-list gnome org

Glauben heißt nicht wissen wollen, was wahr ist ... Nietzsche

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