Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga-linux to Ekiga-win32: horrible, choppy, unintelligible sound

On Wednesday 14 March 2007 21:20, Damien Sandras wrote:
> That is because of the above explanation: don't use snapshots and expect
> reliable quality. Please use a stable release and report back.
> Thanks,

OK, I've compiled ekiga-2.0.7 (with pwlib-1.10.5 and opal-2.2.6).
My sister has gone to bed already so I'll have to wait till tomorrow to test 

Also ekiga for win32 (on appears to be a 
cvs nightly build, is this correct?
Is there an ekiga for win32 version 2.0.7 ?

That was the reason I used the cvs snapshot of ekiga because ekiga for win32 
also seemed to be cvs snapshot.


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