Re: [Ekiga-list] Win32 Ekiga 2.0.9-BETA connection problems

��� No control. My ISP-supplied router is password-protected.
During my experiments� with Gnomemeeting a few years ago
I asked if I could be given access. They said go buy your own
router. I guess that is the choice I must face.

Thanks anyway,


Damien Sandras wrote:

Le samedi 09 juin 2007 �1:43 -0500, bob olbrich a �it :
Hello again,

It bounced again with only one attachment !!!

So, instead:

Go here to see the PCMA only log.


Ok, it is now clear that something between you and the remote
( eats the answers of the SIP proxy.

Do you have any control over your router to see if it receives the
answers ?


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