Re: [Ekiga-list] Very choppy sound with sip:500 ekiga net

    That's right - iLBC was not enabled. After enabling it, the
results were the same as when getting a connection with 500 ekiga net
and the PCMA codec - sound so choppy that is almost unintelligible.

Are you using ALSA for both your input and output devices? There is a
problem with ALSA if you do that causes the jitter buffer to max out no
matter how high you set it.

On my system I use ALSA, but I set the output device to my use my sound
card and the input device to use default. That cured the problem for me.

   Thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately, that did not make any
difference. In any case, the value of my jitter buffer never seems to
go above 100ms. Most of the time it stays below 30 (iLBC codec) and on
20 (PCMA codec).

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