Re: [Ekiga-list] Testing version 2.0.5

Le dimanche 25 f�ier 2007 �0:47 -0800, JCA a �it :
>     A while ago I reported severe sound problems in version 2.0.3 when
> interacting with sip:500 ekiga net - the echoed sound was so choppy
> that Ekiga was, for all practical purposes, unusable.
>    I have just tested with version 2.0.5. The first was perfect: The
> voice from came through with perfect quality, and so did my echo. I
> tried a few times, and things still worked fine. But, I tried again
> and the extreme choppiness reared its ugly head again.
>    This is all with exactly the same hardware throughout, and very
> similar network conditions. I stopped Ekiga, and after launching it
> things seemed to be fine again.
>    Overall, it is much better than 2.0.3 - kudos to you guys. It's
> really getting there now.

I still wonder why you are getting, sometimes, sound problems. Please
continue testing and report back later. You could also try using
"Default" or direct access to your soundcard in the audio devices
 _      Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone :
v_/_  NOVACOM                 :
          FOSDEM                   :
          SIP Phone             : sip:dsandras ekiga net

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