Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga on OpenBSD: PLDAPSession

Le vendredi 16 f�ier 2007 �0:32 +0100, Karel Kulhavy a �it :
> Hello
> I managed to get over compile error in pwlib by finding a fix, so now pwlib and
> opal compile without problems.  Ekiga didn't compile said that OpenBSD is not
> supported so I temporarily tried --build=i386-pc-freebsd.  I ended up with this
> configure line:
> ./configure --build=i386-pc-freebsd --with-pwlib-dir=/usr/local --with-opal-dir=
> /usr/local --disable-avahi --disable-nls --without-nls --disable-gettext --witho
> ut-gettext
> Then it couldn't find _Unwind_SjLj_Register and the configure failed because of
> that. I found out that although OpenBSD 4.0 has GCC version 3.3.5, there is a
> library file which contains this _Unwind_SjLj_Register - it is
> /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/i386-unknown-openbsd4.0/3.3.6/libgcc.a. So I added this
> into configure and it went through.
> The make compiled but the linking of the final ekiga failed. Again, one of the
> errors was _Unwind_SjLj_Register so I added /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/i386-unknown-openbsd4.0/3.3.6/libgcc.a
> and the error disappeared. However there is still error
> /home/clock/ekiga-2.0.4/lib/gmcontacts/gmcontacts-ldap.cpp:288: undefined
> reference to `PLDAPSession::GetSearchResult(PLDAPSession::SearchContext&,
> PString const&, PStringArray&)'
> I installed LDAP and recompiled pwlib with it already because configure of Ekiga was complaining
> about pwlib being compiled without LDAP. But I searched all libraries on my system for PLDAPSession
> and none of them contains it. What should I do? Do I need some additional library?
> Is it a problem that I have to run --build=i386-pc-freebsd? If yes, would it be possible to
> add OpenBSD into the supported platforms?

That one is an easy one : you have compiled PWLIB without having
OpenLDAP installed. Ekiga configure should detect it and report an

If you have patches for OpenBSD support, I will apply them, of course !
 _      Damien Sandras
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