[Ekiga-list] Does anyone know how to build ekiga on windows?

Julien Puydt jpuydt at free.fr
Sat Feb 24 08:16:30 UTC 2007

Suzana Lojic-Skoric a écrit :
> http://snapshots.seconix.com/win32.php
> explains how to install already built application. It does not give me help
> on how to build it myself. Unless ekiga_build.zip is answer to it. I have
> downloaded it.. but I don't know what to do with it. I normally do not
> develop apps under windows and it is now obvious to me what to do with 
> files
> under ekiga_build.zip.

We compile ekiga for win32 on gnu/linux using mingw's cross-compiler, 
and ekiga_build.zip has what's needed to do so.


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