Re: [Ekiga-list] Philips SPC300NC

On Thu, Apr 26, 2007 at 09:03:49PM +0200, Charles Roduit wrote:
> Hello,
> I have two little problem with ekiga using the Philips' webcam SPC300NC.
> First :
> The image is only a part of the whole (as in the ekiga's FAQ 7.1.2)
> The same occurs when I try to connect with camorama.
> To solve this with camorama, I invoke it with :
> camorama -x 352 -y 288

Which ekiga are you using ? We have add a small hack in the last version of
ekiga (2.0.9) for the gspca5xx/spca5xx driver to force the 640x480 mode and
have the full resolution of the sensor.

> and I see the correct image.
> Second :
> The image is inverted (up-down)
> The only way I found to solve it is to physically reverse the webcam... not
> very pretty on my desktop ;-)

Did the image is inverted even with other program (like xawtv, camorama, ...)

Damien: and if we add a expert setting for the video preference to allow the
user to select the capture size ?). Perhaps we can do this to allow capture
audio in 44100/48000Khz to solve problem with alsa and bad cards.


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