Re: [Ekiga-list] newbie issues...

Le lundi 09 avril 2007 �4:46 -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx a �it :
> Hi,
> I'm trying to setup Ekiga 2.0.3 (as shipped with Debian/Etch), for
> VOIP and video conferencing.  I'm having a bit of trouble with each.
> for VOIP I'm using sip through the institute gateway device which is
> some cisco product I don't control. Incoming calls work fine.  Out
> going calls show weird behavior.  If the call isn't answered on the
> first ring I get an "abnormal call termination", if the call is
> answered on the first ring the call will work for a short but
> nondeterministic time and then end in the same bad way.
> Using an different soft phone (twinkle) out bound calls work fine.
> Looking at tcp dumps of the connections in both cases I see significan
> RTP traffic from the MIT sip server, with twinke there's also RTP
> traffic from my host back while ekiga is silent.
> Any clue what's up with that?

Can you post a -d 4 debug output somewhere ?

> For video conferencing I'm using h.323 to an old Vtel system for
> testing.  Video quality is relatively poor (compated to teh Vtel
> system) no mater how fancy a camera I connect.  I think this is ddue
> to the "Maximum video bandwidth" setting which is maxed at 100kB/s
> where as the Vtel system will go upto 768.  Can this be raised?

Not yet, but I think this is due to the poor unpatented codec we are
forced to use. VTel certainly uses things like H.263+ or MPEG4 which are
not free to use.
 _     Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone :
v_/_   NOVACOM         :
       FOSDEM          :
       SIP Phone       : sip:dsandras ekiga net

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