Re: [Ekiga-list] guidelines for understanding

On Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:33:18 +0530
Prakash B <prakashb tataelxsi co in> wrote:

>  actually i dont want to know about the source code in depth.
>  i want a step by step approach of ekiga.
> how ekiga is running?

I'm still not sure what you're referring to, as this can't be explain
in just an email.

Code "stack":
 - PWLib: contains base classes for many useful things, including
   threading, process management, strings, etc. Highly portable.
 - Opal: contains base classes and utilities for everything related to
   telephony (SIP, H.323, IAX2, ENUM, STUN, ...)
 - Ekiga: makes use of PWLib, Opal, GTK+ and maybe Gnome libs to glue
   all that together into a GUI, manages calls, contact lists, infact
   everything you see and many things you don't see

Beside that, I can only give Ekiga-specific answers. PWLib and Opal is
not my world.


PS: can you please post to the list OR to me? I get double mails from
you, one to the list, one to me.

dreaming in digital
living in realtime
thinking in binary
talking in IP


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