[Ekiga-list] VOICE MAIL service with Asterisks (I've currently choosen to use GIZMO)

Hey folks, (again).

I notice that there is no way directly to have voicemail service with EKIGA. Although there is mention of using Asterisk. Lets be honest though, Asterisks is not for the faint of heart, and still without an open GUI to help set things up, and concumes valueable space for a simple voicemail service for one user (correct me if I'm wrong).

Right now I use EKIGA for my voice communications and give out my GIZMO account for voicemail. But that is confusing as people want to call gizmo for my voice too. The challenge with using GIZMO is that you miss out on their proprietary PROFILE setups and easy access to thier voicemail config.

The following are SIP's I use to acces some of GIZMO's Voice Services, which are usefull outside the gizmo network as well.

To check what your current SIP is:
sip:** proxy01 sipphone com:5060

Test Echo Service
sip:echo proxy01 sipphone com:5060

Record Custom voicemail with GIZMO account (see bellow comments)
sip:record proxy01 sipphone com:5060

Although you can record custom messages there are two challenges.
1. you must be logged in to the GIZMO network, which works inconsistently for me, so it doesn't actualy change my account (although it might be changing someones I guess).... 2. You have to have chossen "Custom" for voicemail options under the GIZMO Windows GUI profile manager. There is no way to modify otherwise.

Perhaps the EKIGA project can pool its resources and consider a simple VOICEMAIL setup available to ALL ekiga users. Even if the EKIGA network itself sets up its own Asterisks service for the benefit of its users. It would be a great addition and bring FREE open source VOIP in line with other services like GIZMO and skype.

There are challenges in cost, bandwidth and know how, but these challenges are what the open source community can over come.


P.S keep up the good work.

= Dave Sampson dsampson ncf ca                       =
= Pick up anything in the world and you will find it =
= hitched to everything else in the universe         =
= dsampson ncf ca	   			     =

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