Re: [Ekiga-list] call recording / ekiga too tightly on ALSA?

Damien Sandras wrote:
> A good library (like ALSA) should report the new device in the list of
> available devices.

The new JACK device appears in other programs' lists (wengophone,
twinkle), but not in ekiga's.

> I suggest you, if you are using JACK, to redefine the DEFAULT device
> usable in Ekiga. That works well.

Indeed, that works! Thanks a lot for this fast and helpful answer!
(Now I must see how to use audacity with JACK. But that's entirely my
problem ;-)

simon wrote:
> There's also a script here for recording skype which may be able to be
> adjusted.

Unfortunately, this does nothing but vsound around skype, which didn't
work with ekiga/OSS.

Best regards,

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