Re: [Ekiga-list] RE : Re: PC-PC communication; Ekiga vs Windows

Le mardi 12 septembre 2006 à 11:01 +0200, Jean Basile a écrit :
> --- Julien PUYDT <jpuydt free fr> a écrit :

> What are the decent/used SIP software applications in
> Windows? My experience is quite limited. And from what
> I asked around me the general experience is more like
> start Yahoo Messenger and start the voice/video part.
> Or start Skype and start talking. Nothing protocol
> related. And Gaim can't do anything but text.

X-Lite or Windows Messenger, but if they do not want to install
anything, it will be difficult...

> Also, SIP does video as well? I don't have a webcam
> but I would like to see those who do.

Yes it does.

> > 4. if your username on is "jean.basile",
> > then they just have 
> > to call "jean basile ekiga net" while you are
> > registered there.
> Ok. So the final problem is which application?

I would suggest Ekiga or Windows Messenger which comes preinstalled.

> > Hope this helps,
> > Snark
> Yes, it brings a great deal of light in here. So far I
> have been asking around some forums and in three weeks
> - no answer. Thank you Snark!
> Jean
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