OK, I run ekiga with -d 4 option, did a phone call to my office phone, talked into that phone, didn't receive any audio signal, closed the connection from Ekiga and quit Ekiga I attached the output, hope that might provide sone useful information. cheers. Damien Sandras wrote:
Le mardi 05 septembre 2006 à 15:02 +0200, Momme Butenschön a écrit :I am trying to get Ekiga running on Ubuntu 6.06, but I am running into problems with incoming sound: -I configured the sound device with the druid -I get the echo test working -I added an sip-account (wengo) -I get echo test on wengo working -When I actually do a PC to Phone call, the incoming channel is mute, either the sound, either in the visualisation (the little green bar) , it works with wengophone though. -I am not behind a router. -Firewall is switched off. any ideas?Wengo problem?don't think so, at least not purely, as wengophone works (on Ubuntu)...Please provide more info.
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