Re: [Ekiga-list] Video and Linux to Windows

All of the major IM clients (MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, AOL AIM) have voice & video.

There is FWD, which I have not used, but they advertise audio & video.  Here's the link:

You can get the X-Lite software, and use any VoIP carrier to send both audio & video I think.

This should give you some ideas.  Good luck.


On 9/1/06, Carles Pina i Estany <carles pina cat> wrote:


Soon I will need to connct Ekiga/Linux to something/Windows, with audio
and video (two ways)

I know that there is a Ekiga for Windows (beta). I wonder if somebody
knows other programs to execute on Windows supporting SIP (audio and

Which program people prefers, apart of Ekiga, to execute on Windows?

Thank you very much,

Carles Pina i Estany            GPG id: 0x8CBDAE64        Manresa - Barcelona
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