[Ekiga-list] Calling outside landlines.

Dave Sampson dsampson at ncf.ca
Mon Sep 25 00:58:37 UTC 2006

Well I got a PC to Phone account up and working fine. But I have to say 
it took alot of trust to use an outside service that I never heard of.

This is alright in practice, but I would have been alot more iwlling if 
there was just an ekiga front end for the whole process so I don't feel 
like I'm dealing with another service.  This would by a perceived 
barrier for mainstream users perhaps touse the service.

Maybe even a page explaining the choice of vendor, who they are and the 
relationship they have with EKIGA. it felt like giving my money to a 
stranger. Anyone else feel the same?

Since then however I am considering them for a calling card service. 
This is good, but I needed to build the trust and would have liked 
another process other than a leap of faith.


= Dave Sampson dsampson at ncf.ca                       =
= Pick up anything in the world and you will find it =
= hitched to everything else in the universe         =
= dsampson at ncf.ca	   			     =

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