[Ekiga-list] ekiga sound problems

Carles Pina i Estany carles at pina.cat
Sun Sep 3 15:39:10 UTC 2006


I would like to add some more test

On Sep/03/2006, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:

> We are trying to communicate Ekigas. We have some audio (not video)

I have communicate Ekiga to sipphone echo test, and it seems to work
fine. So maybe is not an ALSA problem, and is some other problem. We I
can communicate ekiga to sipphone echo test and not to other ekiga?

I will disable video, maybe video is "disturbing" audio, in LAN? ¿?

Carles Pina i Estany		GPG id: 0x8CBDAE64
	http://pinux.info	Manresa - Barcelona

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