[Ekiga-list] Video and Linux to Windows

Carles Pina i Estany carles at pina.cat
Fri Sep 1 20:47:59 UTC 2006


On Sep/01/2006, Dan Sherwood wrote:
> All of the major IM clients (MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, AOL AIM) have
> voice & video.

Which clients, running in Linux and Windows and with video suport?
I only know amsn (but I don't want to use MSN protocol).
Gaim in a "rare"/beta version
Yahoo Messenger for Linux, at least 1 year ago, was a very old client.

> There is FWD, which I have not used, but they advertise audio & video.
> Here's the link:
> www.freeworlddialup.com

it seems that is only for Windows. it works connecting to Ekiga? (yes,
I will test... but if somebody tell me "I use X and Ekiga and works
fine" I will save some hours trying it :-)   )

> You can get the X-Lite software, and use any VoIP carrier to send both audio
> & video I think.

X-Lite has video? Then is a very good choice! I will check it... thanks
for the idea

Carles Pina i Estany		GPG id: 0x8CBDAE64
	http://pinux.info	Manresa - Barcelona

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