Re: [Ekiga-list] need documentation of how to get Ekiga working with other programs

Hi Yannick,

Thanks for explaining why text and video have problems.  Your
explanations make sense.

As for the wiki, perhaps it would be best to host it on another site
that would allow community involvement on editing?  There are free wiki
services out there, but we could also try talking to gnome, ubuntu and
redhat to see if they would host it.  I think this would really make
generating documentation much easier and allow developers to spend more
time on developing.  I personally would contribute to a wiki, but it is
really hard to email wiki changes unless they constitute entire new

Another approach would be to allow editing from a very controlled group
of people - there is a way to have mediawiki email passwords just to
those you want (i.e., we could make people request accounts via email
and only after they are well known) and you can set up the wiki so that
it only operates over SSL for password protection.  Just a thought....


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