[Ekiga-list] Remote user offline (ALMOST THERE)

Damien Sandras dsandras at seconix.com
Fri Oct 13 07:33:46 UTC 2006

Le vendredi 13 octobre 2006 à 09:02 +0200, Michel van der Kleij a
écrit :
> Well we have established contact for the first time. I had to re-run the
> config assistant after the firewall update. So one system behind a firewall
> and a few routers now "talks" to one that is both firewall and desktop. The
> latter still says it can't login when it's started, but apparently this is not
> a problem for communication.
> However, there is still work to do: audio sounds like a helicopter hovering
> over the house without discernable human voice and I can't change webcam view
> to see the other person (neither can he). Suggestions are obviously welcomed
> and I'll attack this new challenge tonight ...
> Thanx so far!!!

*sigh*, you seem having all the problems of the world :-/

A few steps to debug :
1) Make the audio test through the druid, and see if it works.

2) Try calling 500 at ekiga.net with each of them and see if it works or
not. Please note that there is a problem with ekiga.net right now, it is
loosing packets. Anyway, you will see where the helicopter sounds comes

3) Try this :

arecord -D plughw:0,0 -c 1 -r 8000 -f S16_LE - | aplay -D plughw:0,0 -c
1 -r 8000 -f S16_LE -

4) Try also this :

arecord -D plughw:0,0 -c 1 -r 16000 -f S16_LE - | aplay -D plughw:0,0 -c
1 -r 16000 -f S16_LE -

5) Try using Default as device or direct access to the device.

6) Change codecs

7) If you can not see each other, either video transmission is disabled
or you have a firewall dropping video packets

 _      Damien Sandras
//\     Ekiga Softphone: http://www.ekiga.org/
v_/_    FOSDEM 2006    : http://www.fosdem.org/
        SIP Phone      : sip:dsandras at ekiga.net
                         sip:600000 at ekiga.net

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