[Ekiga-list] STUN registration

I ran into problems which could not be solved by myself... Maybe you 
know quick answers. Manual, FAQ and Google have been checked 
already ...
My setup:
I am connected to Internet via a Fritzbox Surf & Fon2+. It delivers 
IP-Phone functions and blocks port forwarding to LAN of UDP 5060 to 
5063 because they are likely used by this device itself...

I guess, this is one of my problems.

But at first, I always get timeouts when I try to register. I double 
checked my account and password on ekiga.net, then configured again and 
sniffed the traffic, still finding a SIP 404 message (unknown user)...

A second problem is: I try to establish a connection to another ekiga in 
standard setup. This works more or less as long as we use H.323. 
Picture was fine, but voices have been heavily distorded. My partner is 
sometimes reaching me in a Donald duck voice, high and much faster as 
spoken and my voice comes in much slower and deeper...
We have already tried different codecs. If we turn of video, sound is 
better most of the times.
Is this because bandwith is not high enough for audio? Restriction video 
bandwith did not really help.

To solve the double use problem of port UDP5060 I had the idear to 
change ports in control center:
Leave TCP1720
leave RTP 5000-5059
change UDP5060-5100 to 5070-5110
change SIP listen port to 5070

In ekiga -d 4 I have seen that the new ports are used, but registration 
does not work...

Please tell me what I am doing wrong!

Thank you!

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