Re: [Ekiga-list] No audio - small red exclamation icon

On Sat, 18 Nov 2006 14:04:00 +0100
Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com> wrote:


thank you for the quick response.

> I would say that another process is locking the soundcard. If they are
> using Ubuntu, there are many bugs. One of them is that ESD is always
> locking the soundcard, even when it is told not to lock it at all.
> That's one of the numerous bugs in the distribution.

Indeed - it's Ubuntu. I stopped ESD and all other
programs which use the sound card for no avail. I'll attach the
exclamation sign to this email.

Some ideas what might be wrong, anyone?

Thank you - Velko

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	-- Bill Gates (1980)

Attachment: exclam.png
Description: PNG image

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