[Ekiga-list] Ekiga 2.0.3. calls for version 1.10.1 of libpt_linux_x86_r

Julien Puydt jpuydt at free.fr
Thu Nov 16 20:27:56 UTC 2006

Bent Bagger a écrit :
> If I didn't know better, I would conclude that the library version is
> somehow hard-wired into Ekiga...

It isn't.

>> The symlink you created is potentially dangerous and could lead to
>> unexpected crashes if the library is binary incompatible with the older
>> 1.10.1.
> I hope not, and I believe it is safe, because even if Ekiga *thinks*
> it links to the 1.10.1 version it is actually linked to the 1.10.2
> version.

It isn't ekiga which says so, it's the linker. If the linker thinks so, 
it's probably because you *do* have an old libpt*so file somewhere around.

Look for that file, I'm pretty sure it's there somewhere.

Snark on #ekiga

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