[Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga from home to work - local view only?

I sent this to the users list last night, but I didn't get any responses, so Im escalating it to the developers list.

Hi folks.

Thanks for the great software.

I'm trying to get ekiga working from work to home and vice versa.

I can get a connection, despite the software having indicated my workplace is using symmetric NAT.

I can use spcaview to see myself on the cameras in QCIF and 640x480.

I can get a local view in ekiga in QCIF resolution.

I can't seem to switch views to remote or side by side though - nothing changes when I select them.

What do I need to do to get a side by side view?

Also, is there a way of getting ekiga to take advantage of the 640x480 resolution my cameras can do?  And is there a way of scaling the video to full screen?


Dan Stromberg

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