Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] video rtp payload passing to plugins broken in opal

Thanks for finding this.

The problem was due to a cut and paste error that I accidentally added a few days ago. I've fixed this in CVS


Matthias Schneider wrote:
Hi Craig,
unfortunately the passing of the media data to the video plugins has been broken. The problem that
appears with ALL video plugins is that the "fromLen" that is passed to the codec_decoder procedure
is always 1442 bytes, not matter what the actual length of the real packet is. If you have a look
at the enclosed logfile at 19:10:57.703, you can see that a packet of 1072 bytes length is sent,
which is then received from my loopback. As you can see from the media patch trace output,
psz=1074, which is the 1072+2 bytes RFC2429 header. Then it is given to the plugin, and a few
lines lower you can see that the deencapsulator tries to add 1442 bytes to its reassemble buffer.
This is the value that was passed via fromLen to the plugin. Like I said this happends to ALL
video plugins; it would be very nice if you could have a look at it and fix it. Feel free to ask
for more information, but I think it is quite easy to reproduce the problem.

Thanks in advance,

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 Craig Southeren          Post Increment – VoIP Consulting and Software
 craigs postincrement com au         

 Phone:  +61 243654666      ICQ: #86852844
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 "It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile.
  Be yourself, no matter what they say."   Sting

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