Re: dogtail Switching tabs and setting combo box values

> say : switching between Gedit -> preferences tabs
I don't believe there's any way to do these yet (if you use sniff to
poke through and find the tabs, there are no known actions for them)

> setting "Tabs width" combo box value in gedit prefernces.
An inelegant approach, but the one I'm using for the moment:
combobox.text = 42

The activate() is needed to make the value actually stick/let the
spinbutton do its bounds/precision checking on the number

Be warned, though, at the moment, at least, setting the text attribute
will sort of work, even if a spinbutton is insensitive (try, for
instance, the spinbutton for how often to have gedit autosave while the
checkbox is off; you can put text into it, but dogtail raises an
exception when you try to activate() it, since it is insensitive)

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