dogtail-devel pyspi 0.5.4, dogtail 0.5.1

I've got new versions of pyspi (0.5.4) and dogtail (0.5.1) ready now.
Most of the changes were in the build system - we're finally putting
dogtail in Fedora Extras. Yay!

Wait, what are pyspi and dogtail?

    Dogtail is an automation and test framework on graphical
applications, using the AT-SPI accessibility framework. Currently this
means GNOME applications and many other GTK+ applications. Dogtail is
written in Python, and pyspi is a module written in Pyrex to give
dogtail access to AT-SPI's C API. Sorry for the acronym headache.

Beyond build- and packaging-related changes, pyspi gained initial
support for the DeviceListener. A DeviceListener will enable us to
capture keyboard events - one thing that's necessary to build a script
recorder, so we can create dogtail tests without hacking python code.
But, DeviceListener doesn't work yet - its callbacks are never actually

dogtail.procedural also gained more informative FocusErrors, which
should cut down the time it takes to debug procedurally-written scripts.

dogtail's prototype recorder (examples/ was broken in 0.5.0,
and it was the new automatic runtime translation feature's fault. That's
fixed now.

Dogtail's site is here:

Get pyspi and dogtail here:

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