Re: Time to heat up the new module discussion

On 7/12/06, Darren Kenny <Darren Kenny sun com> wrote:

I'm concerned about the inclusion of GTK# - and hence all the rest of Mono into
the core GNOME.

It doesn't pull mono into the core of gnome anymore than having python
applets pulls python in.

And it worries me that this is opening a door for a slew of C# based
applications into the core GNOME.

And this is a bad thing because...?

It makes sense to me that Mono should remain on the out-skirts of GNOME for this
very reason - core GNOME should only use native languages, and more specifically
C, as to to do otherwise is likely to effect the already perceived poor
performance of GNOME.

Python is already used in the deskbar applet which is in core GNOME.

Just think about what happens when a user logs into a desktop that has Python
and C# based applets included with C based applets:
- The panel starts
  - It starts C/Bonobo based applets - the smallest of which already consumes
    approx 40Mb of memory.
  - It starts Python applets - each of these takes up approx 70Mb of memory -
    and very little of this is shared
  - It starts a C# based applet - and this pulls in Mono, which I'm sure isn't
    that small, but I guess at least it does share memory better than Python,
    but there is still quite a lot of additional memory pulled in.

Then...umm, don't run them?

I know today people say that memory is cheap, but I think that's not an excuse
for working on reducing it's consumption.

Limiting memory usage by limiting features is kinda a pyrrhic victory.
"Well, yes, we only have one button on screen, but damn we don't use
any memory"

Also, there is the small devices like
the Nokia 770 for which memory consumption is a big factor.

As far as I know, no-one is attempting to run the gnome panel and
python/mono applets on a 770.

As for .NET, even Microsoft themselves had to pull back from using it for core
functionality due to performance reasons - why do we think we will do any better?

As someone who is running mono based applications fairly regularly, I
haven't noticed any major performance issues. We're not talking here
about replacing the core libraries with c# based ones, we're talking
about applications, and for me the mono based apps are just as fast as
the C based ones.


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