Re: Time to heat up the new module discussion

On Thu, 2006-07-13 at 02:00, Ben Maurer wrote:
> In the long term, Mono can potentially reduce our performance problems.

In the short term, there are performance problems and Mono will worsen

> IMHO, we should define a process that does not start "Python is bloated, 
> C# is bloated. Lets not use them". We must establish clear guidelines as 
> to what is allowed. When talking about performance, talk in megabytes, not 
> languages.

A good start would be: let's take an old (but still existing) platform,
like a pIII with 128 or 256 Mb RAM, and have a basic desktop running
fine on it.

"Basic desktop":
- panel + a few applets (including power manager, network-manager ...)
- nautilus
- epiphany
- evolution

"Running fine":
- be responsive
- don't swap too much
- no need to restart apps each day

As said elsewhere, temporary apps (like a menu editor) don't matter but
long-running ones (mailer, panel, applets, filemanager) should have a
deterministic, capped memory usage.


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