Re: GNOME Workplace: a bright new idea

On Thu, 2006-07-06 at 13:47 +0500, Shaneeb Kamran wrote:
> Hi,
>      I have a new idea to discuss from the top of my head about the
> so-called desktop interface. The idea is mainly derived from Mac Os X
> Dashboard and the upcoming Windows Vista 'Gadgets'. Please note that
> the following paragraphs are just my plans, and nothing of that sort
> actually exists.
>     The idea is based on the concept of 'Workplace', the main
> 'place'(or window) where one works, which is subdivided into
> workspaces(exactly as GNOME workplaces). The Workplace is the thing
> that starts up when you log in. It resides benath all your windows
> (just like a 'desktop') and helps you mange your windows and sort them
> in workplaces. However all this functionality is provided via small
> applets called 'Gadgets'(term burrowed from Windows Vista) which can
> be arranged on the entire Workplace area. Gadgets can be added,
> removed, customized, moved etc. New gadgets can be, of course, written
> from scratch and added to the list of already available gadgets.
>     Moreover, to help arrange the gadgets on the Workplace, 'panels'
> will be used(please note that Workplace-Panel is a different concept
> that gnome-panel). Panels are regions on the workplace which group a
> set of gadgets, and 'dock' these gadgets within that region. This
> helps to neatly arrange the gadgets and group together similar
> Gadgets.
>    Using these concepts of Workplace and Gadgets, a highly elegant and
> productive environment can be provided as a replacement for the
> traditional Desktop Interface. This Workplace can provide all the
> functionality of the desktop interface, but it is much more flexible,
> extensible, easy to learn and use and 'aesthetically pleasing'.

Sounds very similar to gdesklet, but on steroids. 

Ritesh Khadgaray
LinuX N Stuff
Ph: +919822394463
Eat Right, Exercise, Die Anyway.

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