Re: Nautilus Sidebar

On 7/1/06, Ryan Paul <segphault sbcglobal net> wrote:
I like the idea of an interface that changes dynamically to reflect
actions available for the selected element, but I think that the panel
is a better place for this than a nautilus sidebar. It would be nice to
have a context sensitive toolbar sort of thing embedded in the GNOME
panel that would change depending on which application is active and
what item is selected. Would making it a universal panel thing be an HIG
violation? Having application functionality accessible somewhere other
than the application window might be bad usability mojo.

I don't know whether it would violate the HIG - but I consider the
panel as something _separate_ from any application. I know where my
firefox icon is at all times, and I don't want that to change. Putting
dynamic information on the panel about the current application is a
big departure from the way things work, and I think it is far less
intuitive than putting dynamic information _right by the stuff it
relates to_. Do you have specific reasons for not wanting to use the

Potentially, it could show the most frequently used menu/toolbar items
for the active program, or if you select a specific item it could also
show the right-click menu options for that item. In a recent thread, I
remember somebody saying something about users not being aware of
features available on right-click menus, so this could really enhance
usability in that sense and expose more functionality to the user.

I said people weren't aware of context menus in my proposal. I think
that moving them a laong way away from where the user is looking isn't
going to be much more helpful than having them on right click - puting
the options right next to a file makes it clear what they relate to.

With a whole screen full of applications, I don't think it is clear
that a 'reame file' menu item on the panel relates to the file
selected in the current Nautilus window!

In Windows Vista, the file manager has a toolbar that changes to show
contextually relevant operations. When I select a text file while
browsing a folder in Vista, that toolbar changes so that it has an
'open' drop-down menu with a list of applications with which the file
can be opened, a print button, an e-mail button, a share button, etc. It
really makes the system functionality a lot more accessible to users
that don't know it's on the right-click menu.

I could imagine programs making actions available via d-bus for this
feature. That would make it possible for developers to create
alternative interfaces that can take advantage of it in addition to a
panel applet. This is probably a bit too ambitious for the GNOME 2
series, but maybe something to think about for GNOME 3?

Dbus seems like it may be a good way to do the communication between
Nautilus and the 'Engines' I outlined - can someone in the know
sugggest whether this is true?

Also, the nautilus information panel already has buttons with
application actions, maybe it would be beneficial to build on that for
the short term? It looks like those buttons in the info panel only show
'open with' actions for the current directory. Maybe the information
panel should be improved to also show the 'open with' operations
associated with the selected file as well as the current directory?

This has been suggested before, and was filed as a bug in a few
places. Given that nothing has changed even after some patches were
submitted I wonder whether it will actually change. Perhaps if the
issue was with the quality of the patch it could stiulll happen...

As long as I am rambling about Nautilus interface stuff, I'd like to
suggest that proper right-click support be added to the buttons in the
location/path bar. Say that I want to open the parent folder in a new
window. Rather than having to go to the parent and then select 'open in
new window' from the file menu, I want to be able to right-click it in
the path bar and select 'open in new window.' Is there a reason why this
hasn't been done yet? Maybe implementing that would be a good way for me
to start getting involved in GNOME development?

I think a more useful thing to do relating to those buttons is to
allow access to a path box without pressing CTRL+L - I cannot think of
a good way to do this apart from having a toggle button, or
implementing it more like [textbox][button "/"][TextBox][button"/"]
etc - but that may look clumsy and really weird!

-- Ryan


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