a great idea for gnome three

hi guys : )

i don't write much on this list, but i think a few days ago i had a fantastic idea for gnome three. it's a revolution.

awright, picture this situation. you're browsin' some web page or i dunno, usin' xchat to chat with people, or i dunno you're listenin' to music and enjoyin' your desktop background. or all of these together. it don't matter.

now say you wanna start a new app, like i dunno, gaim, cause you wanna message someone. this is what you do. you middle click with the mouse. *anywhere* on the desktop, or on the web browser, or the chat, or whatever. gnome will take over that. you middle click, and... a sphere comes up where you clicked. on the side of the sphere that's in front of you, there's an icon of say... xine. you move the mouse wheel up, and the sphere rotates up, showin' you other quick link icons, which you can set up as you want of course. you can scroll up and down, as you want. once you reach gaim, you left click. and the sphere disappears. and gaim starts.

that's it. how is it? i think it's one of the greatest f***in' ideas that have ever come to a desktop environment.i mean it came from me so maybe i could be more relaxed about it but... don't it sound awesome? we would have like the most innovative user oriented feature a desktop environment has had in years!

it's like... let's do it! how does that sound? give me your opinions, and in case we wanna do it, i would love to be the designer of this. or one of the designers. but as a coder, i would like to play a small role. i think i'm a good designer but a very naive and not advanced coder.

let me know!

ciao! : )


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