Re: Gnome 2 infinity and beyond [was Re: Tango and 2.16]

Chris Lahey wrote:
At conferences and LUGs, the marketing message is always about the 6
month release and the idea of just putting off features until the next
version, but what if we combined the two ideas?  Have a release every
6 months as we have been, but plan a set of features for 3.0 and when
we hit that set of features, we change the numbering.  Say we pick a
set of features and in 2008 2.21 happens to match that set of
features.  Instead of going to 2.22, we go to 3.0.  Nice and easy.

Then we pick a set of features for 4.0 and so forth.

What do y'all think?



I think if we are targeting features, one of them has to be a sane
documentation system and better documentation[1] including information
such as customization of GNOME for ISVs.

IMHO, we can't even start to think about GNOME 3.0 (or otherwise)
without addressing this issue. Shaun has thrown out quite a few ideas such as topic based help via Project Mallard[2],, etc. Yelp has seen some love lately but is sorely in need of an API overhaul and we still depend on scrollkeeper which is a huge pain in the ass. Unfortunately, there is a lack of developer interest in this aspect of the desktop.
Fixing this problem would be a great way to "reinvent" ourselves for a 
GNOME 3.0.
I would like to encourage interested hackers to discuss on 
my three cents.

Brent Smith <gnome nextreality net>
IRC: smitten


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