Re: About-me-password backend

On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 23:57 +0200, Johannes H. Jensen wrote:
> Dear almighty GNOME hackers, I'm in need of some pointers!
> I'm currently hacking on the about-me password dialog (see #321567),  
> which is spawning /usr/bin/passwd to authenticate and change the  
> password. In the new dialog, I'm dividing the process in two, so that  
> the user has to authenticate with his current password first (which  
> spawns passwd to verify). If passwd doesn't complain and prompts for  
> the new password, he can enter his new password, retype it and hit  
> "Change password". When he hits the button, some time has elapsed  
> since he first authenticated (and thus passwd was spawned).

Maybe its just me, but you probably want to actually do a proper pam
conversation here rather than calling /usr/bin/passwd.  The
gnome-password submission novell made ages ago had this, and we have an
updated version shipping with more support.

JP Rosevear <jpr novell com>
Novell, Inc.

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