Re: [gpm] Re: Gnome 2.16 Module Proposal: GNOME Power Manager

Richard Hughes wrote:
On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 18:02 +0200, Holger Macht wrote:
Richard, please think about your current opinion and maybe try to help to
get a good solution for the GNOME desktop which usees one common backend.
gnome-power-manager is a 400k binary. It uses gconf to store a few
daemon settings and preferences.

HAL does all the heavy lifting doing all the quirks and talking to stuff
in /proc and /sys.

g-p-m is like the cherry on the cake, small and simple.

It really doesn't do much more than:

"If battery charge < 10% then notify the user"
"If battery charge < 5% then suspend if HAL thinks we can"

I really don't see what the big issue is.
I really don't think there is (or should be) an issue with GNOME and KDE using different daemons to implement power management policy. That's what the difference between desktops *is*.
However, Bob being able to send out one DBus message 
("InhibitInactiveSleep") in BobsCrackLadenAndCPUIntensiveApp that is 
picked up by the power management daemon in GNOME and KDE, whichever the 
app is running under, may be a good thing. And if people really want to 
standardise this between desktops, this should be the point of 

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