Re: Totem to play audio files


I was wondering why the default audio player in Gnome is Totem movie
player. If I open an audio file it looks like this:
This window looks a bit clumsy because the video section (left) is not
usefull at this moment and the playlist size is too small.

I think it would be better to just display needfull things while playing
audio files like Rhythmbox Music player does with View/Small Display:

Here all important commands and informations for playing audio files are
available and not much space is wasted.

If Rhythmbox may be too complex as default audio player in Gnome what
about a compromise like Eina:

At Sun, the only free media player we ship is totem.  I think any media
play that uses GStreamer is an exciting product.  My understanding is
that the plugin support for GStreamer 0.10 will really start to provide
an end-user experience that is competitive.  Clicking on Fluendo's
"Products" button [1] shows that some exciting legal-to-use and popular
plugins are available.   I think this is great progress to getting
reasonable [2] media support on UNIX.

That said, lots of people on Solaris think totem sucks since it only
supports au, WAV and ogg-vorbis.  Support is already much better in
OpenSolaris with theora, speex, flac, and monkeybrainz support.  And
if end-users can buy plugins to support more rich formats, I think
media software on UNIX will be much more popular.

I'm not sure if Rhythmbox is a better program, but perhaps we should
switch to using it in OpenSolaris, or ship both.  I'd be interested to
hear a recommendation.


[2] or at least not so abhorrent

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