Re: Keyboard usage on some Gnome windows not working

On Sat, Oct 08, 2005 at 03:28:25PM +0200, Frank Niedermann wrote:
> Hi,
> It is possible to close some Gnome windows with the escape key (example:
> System / Preferences / Keyboard shortcuts) but it is not possible with
> some other windows (example: System / Preferences / Keyboard).
> Also the return key does not always belong to the OK button if there is
> one (example: System / Administration / Users and Groups).
> I don't know how this can be fixed but maybe it's worth to think about
> for the next release(s)?

On a related note, I've seen some issues with the accel key for dialogs
ie: in a save dialog with 's' underlined in the word "save" should mean 
you can hit 's' and the dialog would act as if you'd hit the save button 
with mouse or tabbed to it and hit return or spacebar... anyway, it
doesn't work.  Not sure if it doesn't work ever, or just in most apps.
For me saving an unsaved doc in gedit shows this.  Could be an issue
with my keyboard or setup though... if so, anyone have any idea what it
could be?


Alan <alan ufies org> -
"Backups are for people who don't pray."                 -- big Mike

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