Re: ggv/gpdf and evince

Luca Ferretti wrote:
Il giorno gio, 09/06/2005 alle 13.08 -0400, Luis Villa ha scritto:

I think there seems to be a very strong consensus that ggv/gpdf should
be replaced by evince in 2.12. Does anyone object to me going ahead
and removing them from the jhbuild moduleset and adding evince?

Wait. There are some troubles with poppler+cairo on head :-(

I didn't yet report them, 'cause I'm still performing some tests and
collecting info on not well behaving PDF files, but it seems there is a
performance regression in recent CVS builds.

Please, if you come across PDF files that render slowly or incorrectly, put them in poppler bugzilla as you go, so we can start working on them.

The most critical PDF file is this[1] introduction to signal processing
in Scilab (and maybe all PDFs from the same location): it locks the
poppler benckmark application at page 2 (!!!) and leaves the evince view
empty. There are some slowness with some PDFs[2] from Apple website[3]
too. I _suppose_ it could be a cairo issue, because I remember that all
works fine in pre cairo-0.5.0 days.

The current slowdown with CVS head comes from the fact that clipping didn't actually work until recently. Right now we have a few issues with cairo poppler that will slow things down a lot:

clipping - this hits a couple of libpixman combinations that don't have a fast path;

images - since most images in PDFs are scaled as they are rendered to screen they also escape all the fast paths in libpixman.

and page 2 in the Scilab document hits both of these. Both issues are fixable.

Please note that I think we should include evince in GNOME, replacing
gpdf and ggv. I'm only saying that maybe is better disable by now
poppler's cairo backend: this will produce sometimes a less sexy
rendering, but it's fast and with no faults.

As Marco points out, we have the possibility to bail out and re-enable the splash backend at any time, should we decide that the cairo backend is not ready. In the meantime, I'd like to enable the cairo backend by default so it gets a lot of testing. People are already using poppler with cairo and logging bugs about slow PDFs or incorrect rendering, and the current cvs head has improved much based on those reports already. I'd love to see more of this so we can close the gap between the cairo backend and the splash backend and hopefully make cairo itself faster in the process.

As attachment there are my records about poppler benchmarks: I'll report
them on poppler bugzilla.


Great, I'll take a look.


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