Re: problem with libwnck (and python bindings?)

On Fri, 2005-12-23 at 19:33 +0100, Francesco Mosca wrote:
> hi all, (i hope this is the right list, sorry if it's not)
> i'm writing a script that (at the moment) checks which windows have the
> is_urgent flag (wnck_window_needs_attention(), in the lib). i connect a
> function to the 'state-changed' but when i activate a window that's got
> that flag set (i see it flashing on the windows list applet), my script
> segfaults. i'm pasting down the code, if anybody's willing to check:

  There was a bug in pygtk and another in gnome-python-extras.  Both
fixed in CVS now.


Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
<gjc inescporto pt> <gustavo users sourceforge net>
The universe is always one step beyond logic

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