Re: libgnomesu [was Re: Proposed modules: my consensus so far]

On Thu, 2004-11-25 at 15:30 +0100, Luca Ferretti wrote:
> --Use case 1a: CD burning--
> I'm the unprivileged user "foobar". The administrator of UN*X box I'm
> using have launched those commands:
>         # groupadd burn
>         # chown root:cdburn /usr/bin/nautilus-cd-burner
>         # chmod 750 /usr/bin/nautilus-cd-burner
>         # chmod ug+s /usr/bin/nautilus-cd-burner
>         # gpasswd -a foobar cdburn
> Current situation: if I login as foobar and I try to run nautilus-cd-
> burner, then
>         [foobar]$ nautilus-cd-burner
>         bash: /usr/bin/nautilus-cd-burner: Permission denied
> I've to change my identity with:
>         [foobar]$ newgrp cdburn
>         [foobar]$ id
>         uid=504(foobar) gid=505(foobar) gruppi=504(foobar),505(cdburn)
> So now I can launch nautilus-cd-burner. Of course a "Permission denied"
> alert will appear launching nautilus-cd-burner from File -> Write
> Disk...

This sounds like a horrible user interface exposing strange
implementation details. Compare to the Red Hat/Fedora approach:

Administrator does nothing
User foobar logs in on the console (i.e. not remotely)
pam_console automatically gives user write rights on the cdburner device
User burns cd without any permission issues or password prompts

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's a war-weary devious paranormal investigator living undercover at Ringling 
Bros. Circus. She's a wealthy African-American doctor on her way to prison for 
a murder she didn't commit. They fight crime! 

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