Re: Menubar (and Empty Default Desktop) Proposals for GNOME 2.10

> Personally, -1 from me for empty desktop. I dislike empty desktop, it's
> very un-spatial, and generally unwieldy. Shortcutted access to Home,
> Computer, etc. via menu entries would surely be useful (even if slightly
> un-spatial too), for those times when you have your desk crowded with
> open windows, but I'm against emptying desktop as consequence of
> providing menu entries

On the contrary, I find Home on the Desktop un-spatial.  Since then Home
contains Desktop, which contains Home, which contains Desktop, which ...
(it reminds me of the Farnsworth Parabox).

Or even if Home = Desktop, then Home/Desktop contains Computer, which
contains Filesystem, which contains Home/Desktop, which ...


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