Proposed module: GNOME War Pad

Hello folks,

As being told by Mariano Suarez-Alvarez a couple of day ago, I've subscribed because recently my project, "GWP", was proposed to be part of the official GNOME distribution.

What I need to know are the steps I need to make to help you decide if my program should be part of GNOME and how. "GNOME War Pad" is a "VGA Planets" client for GNOME, for those of you that don't know "VGA Planets", it's a play-by-email space conquest strategy game, originally played via FidoNet, now has lots of fans around the world. There are several clients for this game, but almost all are DOS programs, I'm developing GWP since 2002.

GWP is already i18n-able with gettext, it's been translated in English, Spanish, French, German, and Brazilian Portuguese and its development community is growing steadily in the last months.

GWP is being written in C, and can be extended with Python/PyGTK plugins, there's an idea in the not-so-far future to separate the core and make a shared library with the basic services.

The project's website is:

Best regards,
Lucas Di Pentima - Santa Fe, Argentina - Jabber ID: lucas lunix com ar
LUNIX: Soluciones en GNU/Linux -
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