Re: GNOME Bounties


On Thu, 2004-11-04 at 00:41 +0800, Davyd Madeley wrote:
> I personally want to merge the contact applet into gnome-applets for
> 2.10 even if I have to fork my own version!! (ok, so I'm kidding about
> the forking).

If you are that confident that the applet works well enough as it is,
despite the lengthy To Do list, you are welcome to merge it from it's
own module into gnome-applets!   I was hesitating as I feel it isn't
"complete", but I'm not the gnome-applets maintainer. :) I don't have
any outstanding commits but will be away from my PC for a while, so feel
free to attempt a merge whenever you wish.  If you don't have the time I
may be able to find the time over the weekend or next week, but I'll
have to build all of G2.9 first...

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross burtonini com
                                          jabber: ross burtonini com
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