Re: PROPOSAL: GNOME Volume Manager for GNOME 2.8

On Tue, 2004-06-08 at 00:22, Robert Love wrote:
> > > If udev/hotplug are not running, HAL can still run.
> > 
> > How does that impact gvm's behaviour?
> It depends.  But in no way will it ever do anything wrong (basically it
> just won't get certain/any events).

The important question is will people using magicdev currently need to
carry on using it, or does HAL on 2.4[1] resort to polling to get CD
drive notifications at least?

I'm sure someone using 2.4 would understand that they didn't get gPhoto
started when they plugged a camera in, or USB memory sticks mounted, but
CD drive notification not working looks rather lame (despite the real
technical issues).


[1] Sad to say, but some people have to.  2.6 still refuses to
suspend/resume on my Thinkpad.  Speaking of which, I wonder if HAL will
detect me inserting CF cards into my built-in CardBus reader...
Ross Burton                                 mail: ross burtonini com
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