I didn't say ... [was : PROPONSAL : Integrating system tools in GNOME]

Hi people :

I think that you don't understand my idea . Probably beacause my english isn't very good :).
I didn't say nothing about to include yast , redhat-tools, gst or another one . And is not a proponsal for integrate GST in gnome (although that's will be wonderfull ;) )

Please you think in the "Applications menu" .


>From the user view point, this menu is a menu for app localization . Gnome use it , the distros use it.
For example in Applications -> internet i've [epiphany]<- gnome app , amsn [non-gnome app] . This menu is used to orientate the user in the system , with the apps.

Ok , now you think in actions menu :

    |- exec an app ...
    |- search files
    |- .....
    |- finish session

This menu represent a default actions for the desktop. If the user wants close his session , he goes to Actions menu.

And now , think in the proponsal System Menu

Applications  Actions   System
                                    |- User and Groups
                                    |   |- Create new user
                                    |   |- Create new group
                                    |   \- View users or groups ---> (for modify or erase)
                                    |- Network
                                    |   |- Create new network connection
                                    |   |- View my network configuration ---> (for config network configuration)
                                    |   |- Switch profile
                                    |   |   |- [X] Home config
                                    |   |   |- [  ] Girlfriend house config
                                    |   |   \- [  ] Office config
                                    |   |- -----------------------------
                                    |   |  [   ]  ppp0 - my isp dialup        ---> (click and connect)
                                    |   |  [X]  eth0 - my ethernet card
                                    |   \  [   ]  wlan0 - my wireless 
                                    |- Printers
                                    |   |- Create new local printer
                                    |   |- Create new remote printer
                                    |   |- Set printer by default
                                    |       |- [X] printer1
                                    |       \- [  ]  printer2
                                    |- Change display resolution
                                    |- Change system time
                                    |- Config System Services
                                    \- Config boot system

My idea is to organize the default system actions . For example : In respect network configuration, the user need : Create new interface , view and modify his network conf , switch profiles and start/stop network interfaces . May need more or less options , but the menu is only an asci-mockup
Ok , at the moment i don't say nothing about anything system tools app . I don't say nothing about gst , yast , redhat-system-tools or drakeconf. I have to organize the concepts of the usuals actions of an user in his system.

A now , the integration in gnome :

Remember the gconf keys , that i wrote in the last mail .

        \- System
            |- users_and_groups
            |   |- create_new_user = [ "distro-users-tool-command-ui  --new-user"]
            |   |- create_new_group = [ "distro-users-tool-command-ui --new-group"]
            |   |- view_all_config = [  "distro-users-tool-command-ui --show-all" ]
            |- network
            |   |- create_new_connection = [ "distro-network-tool-command-ui --create-new-connection"]
            |   |- view_all_config = [" distro-network-tool-command-ui --show-all" ]
            |   |- search-network-profiles = [" search-profiles ..... "] <--- this comand search
            |   |                                                                                 the profiles to complete this menu
            |   |- search-aviable-connections = [" ....... "] <- this comand complete the menu with the
            |   |                                                                       aviable connection
            |   |- connect-network-interface = [" ifup $name"]
            |   \- disconnect-network-interface = ["ifdown $name"]

With this gconf-keys , the diferent distros can adapt their software to use this menu and gst too.
For example :

(I don't know the name of all command of all ditros and for that example i use other names like example)


        \- System
            |- users_and_groups
            |   |- create_new_user = [ "redhat-system-tool-users-ui  --new-user"]
            |   |- create_new_group = [ "redhat-system-tools-users-ui --new-group"]
            |   |- view_all_config = [  "redhat-system-tool-users-ui --show-all" ]

        \- System
            |- users_and_groups
            |   |- create_new_user = [ "yast --ui=users --new-user "]
            |   |- create_new_group = [ "yast --ui=users --new-group"]
            |   |- view_all_config = [  "yast --ui=usersl" ]
Debian (with GST)

        \- System
            |- users_and_groups
            |   |- create_new_user = [ "users-admin --new-user "]
            |   |- create_new_group = [ "users-admin --new-group"]
            |   |- view_all_config = [  "users-admin" ]

And now ... when you click System->Users and Groups->Create new user :
* In Redhat -> the menu exec the command "redhat-system-tool-users-ui  --new-user"
and show the redhat solution for create a new user
* In Suse -> the menu exec the command  "yast --ui=users --new-user "
and show the suse yast for create a new user
* In Debian (with GST) or Any Distro (with GST) -->  the menu exec the command "users-admin   --new-user" and show the gst users admin solution for create a new user.
The code-work of this proponsal is :

GNOME :  create this menu , and the gconf-keys
DISTROS : put in the gconf-keys the default commands for these actions . A probably adapt some code lines of their tools .
GST : adapt some code lines for adapt gst to this actions.

And now , the distros can use their own tools , (the distros only have to fill the corresponding gconf-key) . if the distro want to use GST or other one instead their traditional apps , only have to fill gst commands in the correspondign gconf-key .


The system tools will have differents look in redhat , suse or debian . But if the user want create user , the user goes to System->Users and Groups->Create new user and the user create a new user . The apps can have diferents looks  , but the actions no .

If you don't undestand the idea , imagine this :
Applications -> internet -> Web browser

Imagine that redhat uses by default galeon , Suse use opera and debian use mozilla ....
The menu is the same , beacuse de user wants to see webpages . The apps are diferent but the concept not . Ok , my idea is the same,  but instead "Applications -> internet -> Web browser" i'm talking about "System->Users and Groups->Create new user" .

I hope you understand my idea and that you like it



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