Conversion to GtkFileChooser

Conversion to the new GtkFileChooser is coming along: most actively
developed parts of GNOME have already switched. I've gone through most
of the programs we ship as part of GNOME and tried to find places where
the old GtkFileSel is still used. I probably missed a bunch.

It would be better to minimize instances of the old GtkFileSel so we
only have one interface for doing file selection in GNOME 2.6 Here's a
list of places I've found along with the bugzilla #. 

Print to File (libgnomeprintui), #132901
Theme Preferences (control center), #132902
gpdf, #132903
Search for Files (gnome-utils, gsearchtool), #132909
Take a Screenshot (gnome-panel), #132908

Here are some less visible / more developery places and probably aren't
as important:

Memprof, #132904
Glade, #132905
Terminal (in edit profile, effects tab), #132906


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