Re: rant about ~/Templates [Was: Re: spacial]

On Fri, 2004-04-30 at 10:51 -0400, Dave Camp wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-04-30 at 10:04 +0100, Rui Miguel Seabra wrote:
> > <rant>broken apps that show seldom used directories as "visible"
> > directories in ~/ like ~/Templates *sigh* </rant>
> This is not broken, this is a design-decision.  Templates are a
> user-editable, user-visible concept.  The user's primary interaction
> with the template directory is to treat it just like any other folder.  

<<it's not a bug, it's a feature>>

yeah right :) It's a broken design, if you rather, then.

Templates is, probably, even less used by normal people than
preferences, so that's not a reason either.

Anyway, I'm not talking about hiding the icon, just the directory.

> > ...which should be as virtual as Trash, which is mapped to ~/.Trash
> It is not virtual.  It's just a folder.

Check again, Trash is purely virtual, as is "ZBR's Home". It simply maps
to ~/.Trash (which is what "ZBR's Home" do -- ~/ -- and what Templates
should do too).

Why is Trash done the right way and Templates not? Trash is _EVEN_ more
used than Templates :)

Regards, Rui

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